
Esther O’Moore Donohoe: We must acknowledge and learn from our regrets, but then tell them to get in the sea

At a certain point, you have to show your inner regrets who the boss is and cut them off at the pass. But it’s not always that easy

No one gets through life regret-free. Picture: Getty/iStockphoto

Regrets, I've had a few – but as Oscar Wilde wrote in A Picture of Dorian Grey: “The only thing one never regrets is one’s mistakes.” Did I just google ‘Oscar-Wilde-Regret-Quote’ to find that line? Indeed I did. Do I regret it? Indeed I don’t. But no one gets through life regret-free.

Regretting past choices and feeling sad or disappointed over them is something we all have in common. In 2020, the American Regret Project ...