
Eithne Shortall: Getting hot and bothered over a tumble dryer is a waste of energy

Winter is coming – along with potentially sky-scraping utility bills – but government messaging on what not to do to keep house and home warm and dry is useless without practical suggestions on feasible alternatives

Every time I hear the ad on the radio about using the tumble drier less, I want to reef out my tumble dryer and fling it at the radio. Picture: Getty

I cannot take another article or radio advert telling me to stop using my tumble dryer. At first I was drawn to these cost of living crisis listicles with clickbait headlines like How To Combat Inflation Now and The Ten Things That Will Bankrupt You This Month. I was caught up in the frenzy around how international upheaval was making everything dearer and everyone poorer.

After a while though, I stopped seeking out these articles. ...