
Book review: The Ties that Bind is an insightful look at links between Scotland and Northern Ireland

Boris Johnson’s bridge idea may be dead in the water, but Graham Walker and James Greer show that the psychological links between the two countries are more profound than any physical one

Scottish independence supporters at a Hope Over Fear Rally in March 24, 2019 in Glasgow, Scotland, calling for the Scottish Government to announce a date for a second independence referendum. Picture: Getty

Boris Johnson once had the brainwave of building a bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland. In 2020 the then British prime minister commissioned a feasibility study into a giant “Celtic Crossing” that would run 28 miles from Larne in Co Antrim to the Scottish village of Portpatrick.

It could have been a modern version of the stepping stones that Ireland’s most famous mythical warrior Finn McCool supposedly constructed and then later smashed up, leaving only ...