Film: A flop for Ferrell down Mexico way

Reviewed this Week: Casa De Mi Padre. Directed by Matt Piedmont. Rating: 1/5. Woody Allen: A Documentary. Directed by Robert B Weide. Rating: 3/5.

Will Ferrell and Genésis Rodríguez in Casa De Mi Padre.

Reviewed: Casa De Mi Padre

**Directed by Matt Piedmont**

**Nationwide, cert 16**

**Rating:** 1/5

Ajoke that has to be explained isn't really a joke at all. Things that are kind of funny are also kind of not funny, while stories that start out funny don't always end up that way.

For his new comedy, Will Ferrell spoofs the Mexican soap opera known as the telenovela, supersaturated serial melodramas in which moustachioed men strut ...