Have the scales finally tipped against dieting?

The anti-diet mindset is gaining traction in this country as more and more dieticians speak out about the harm that obsessively counting calories and treating foods as ‘good’ and ‘evil’ can do to individuals

Break the obsession: intuitive eating campaigners say weight shouldn’t be a talking point at all. The focus ought to be on ‘sustainable health-promoting behaviours’

Many of us will know the urge to become a paragon of health come January, shaking off the Christmas lethargy with a renewed commitment to salads and smoothies. It’s a familiar cycle in these diet-obsessed times: binge, restrict and repeat again and again.

The start of a new year brings endless talk of pound-shedding plans, but are drastic lifestyle changes really all that wise? A burgeoning anti-diet movement wants to shift how we think about ...