PRINCE2 vs Agile Project Management in Business Change

There are a number of different ways of handling change in any business. However, there are certain things that always need to happen in order for it to be carried out professionally and without errors.

One of these is that there has to be a recognised change process in place. This is defined by the type of project methodology that the company uses. There are a number of different methodologies that can be used to ensure successful projects every time.

Among these approaches are PRINCE2 and Agile. These project management methods have a lot in common but there are also a number of crucial differences between them. Which one is right for your company?

The Basics – PRINCE2

This is a process-based approach that involves going through a series of stages one by one. The project is built around the fact that a plan is created at the beginning and that the team then sticks to it through to the end.

Since a lot of work goes into planning a PRINCE2 project, it should be relatively easy to make it stay within the budget and timeframe expected for it. This is also a globally used process, soPRINCE2 training and certification is widely recognised.

The Basics – Agile

The Agile approach aims to provide a more flexible and adaptable way of running projects. It is all about getting started and working out the best approach while progressing, rather than planning in advance as extensively as with PRINCE2.

Customer satisfaction is an important issue with this methodology. The project team and customers will get together regularly to assess the work done and to discuss any changes that are needed.Agile Training use has become far more widespread in recent years.

When Is PRINCE2 Best?

Since it is heavily planned in advance, PRINCE2 makes it easier to keep your eyes on the big picture. On the other hand, the intensity of Agile can mean that the team loses focuses on the overall vision.

The fact PRINCE2 has been so popular for so long means that many people are already comfortable with it. If you have a team that knows how to work with this methodology then they can get up and running right away. If any training is needed then there arePRINCE2 weekend courses London and other big cities they can go on.

When Is Agile Best?

An Agile project will give greater flexibility in terms of adapting to any changes. If the user’s requirements change during the project then it is far easier to adapt to this, and there won’t have been time wasted working on a now-discarded plan.

This means that Agile is a sound choice when the project isn’t clearly defined. If no-one is yet really sure what is needed then this methodology gives you a way of getting started while working out the way forward. It also tends to work well when the users are keen on getting heavily involved and collaborating with the project team.

PRINCE2 vs Agile: Conclusion

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing between PRINCE2 and Agile. Indeed, it can make sense to switch between these methodologies for different projects, depending upon what is needed in each case.

For this reason, having a project team that is comfortable with both ways of working can be a huge advantage. In this way, you can choose the right option for each project that crops up.

It is also worth noting that both methodologies depend upon the team having similar skills in other areas as well. This means that whichever you choose, you also need to think about gettingSQL training, Excel training and other relevant courses for your team.