We need to address the current division between primary and secondary care

Founder and Director of One HealthTech and CIO of Caredoc, Michelle Kearns on the challenges facing the HSE

What's your name?

Michelle Kearns

What position do you hold?

CIO – Caredoc

Founder and Director – One HealthTech

How long have you held the position?

I have worked in IT in Caredoc since 2004 and as CIO since January 2016. One HealthTech has been a long time in the making but officially launched September 2016!

What are your day to day responsibilities?

Strategic planning for the future ICT infrastructure and development of the Caredoc GP out of-hours service which now covers approximately 1/3 of the Irish population from Hook Head to Fanad Head.

What is your professional background?

Health Informatics

Tell us something very few people know about you?

I was a DJ in a punk and heavy metal club!

You are speaking at the 2018 Health Summit. What are you speaking about?

The future of digital health – a vast topic! From my perspective, I will speak about my

experience and the barriers and bridges to implementing effective digital health and how we

can innovate for the future by embracing diversity in digital health.

What challenges do you see for the healthcare sector in Ireland?

There are many! But I think we need to address the current division between primary and

secondary care. The GP contract and FEMPI cuts will influence the delivery of services

through every sector for the future and determine how chronic disease is managed, how

preventative medicine rather than reactive treatment will develop, and how keeping people

out of hospitals and in the community will progress.

Where would you like to see the health service in 10 years time?

I would like to see a more cohesive, less political dependent environment, where we don’t

speak about digital anymore! Digital is just part of the process! It is no longer something

that is “extra”, it has become part of the fabric of the health system and is a seamless part

of clinicians and patients care pathways.

Michelle Kearns is appearing at The 14th National Health Summit. The agenda and further details for this important national event, at Croke Park on February 8th, is available athealthsummit.ie