Susan O’Keeffe: Intelligent, joined-up, long-term planning for change would begin to honour Ashling Murphy

If we do not recognise the scale and depth of this challenge, then all those expressions of concern turn to mere platitudes

‘Vigils, flowers, candles, prayers, music and moments of silence are clear indicators of public sorrow and support for the Murphy family and friends. And of outrage that her assault and death could occur in a public place in daylight.’ Picture: Sam Boal/

Teenage girls rarely cycle to school. Not because they’re inherently lazy or afraid of traffic, but largely because they get bullied on the journey. By men. Either men in cars, or on foot or by teenage boys, also on their way to school.

This finding is consistent over a number of years. As health experts worry about younger people taking less exercise and spending too much time on social media and laptops, they now have ...