What does a trade war mean for Ireland?

US president Donald Trump has a new campaign slogan, ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’, as well as new tariffs on imports from China, and possibly the EU. With the highest debt per capita in the EU, the new US policy could pose a big risk to our economy

Donald Trump says China doesn’t fight fair when it comes to trade with the US. He also aims to upend trading relationships with other key blocs Picture: Bloomberg

He stands beside a podium at the Scheels Arena in Fargo, North Dakota. The arena is packed. He is sweating. The familiar shock of dyed-blonde hair is pointed at a funny angle, a sign of the effort he has exerted during an incoherent 40-minute speech to 6,000 Republicans. Some of the faithful have queued since the night before to see him speak. Another 4,000 people are watching outside.

The crowd love the speech. ...