‘The gripes of bankers and the OECD are not borne out by the facts’

Edmund Honohan, the Master of the High Court, says PTSB and the OECD are wrong to criticise the Irish judiciary over the mortgage crisis

Edmund Honohan: ‘The judges cannot turn a blind eye to flawed bank paperwork’ Picture: Bryan Meade

Comments by OECD secretary general Ángel Gurría criticising Irish “judicial inefficiencies” in the middle of last month are to be deplored. It is to be hoped that his remarks do not merely echo briefings from Dublin. One way or another, they are ill-informed.

A week later, we have a senior executive from Permanent TSB (PTSB) complaining about the legal system “not progressing cases at speed”, adding that their 26 per cent non-performing-loans figures ...