This company has been good to me. I needed something to do. It has never been financial. This is a family business

Tragedy led Vicki O’Toole to go from stay-at-home mum to managing director of the family packaging business, but it is a role that she now relishes

Vicki O’Toole : Sean Curtin/True Media

CV: Vicki O’Toole


Lives: Ballyclough, Co Limerick

Family: widowed, five children

Favourite film: The Holiday

Hobbies: gardening and golf

Looking around Vicki O’Toole’s office in the Raheen Business Park in Limerick city, an observer might think she has a serious shopping problem. There are three Brown Thomas hat boxes of varying sizes at the corner of her desk, dozens of yellow Selfridges boxes stacked against a wall, a large Dunnes Stores bag ...