
Book review: How Madagascar pirates may have put traditional society to the sword

In Pirate Enlightenment Davide Graeber details how the flowering of equality among various multi-ethnic buccaneering groups could have influenced the enlightenment movement in Europe, but the evidence for this is thin on the ground

David Graeber teases out a history of a multi-ethnic society where pirates settled on Madagascar and married local women, bringing different religious persuasions together under a new form of democracy

The name of anthropologist David Graeber, who died from necrotic pancreatitis in 2020, might be familiar to you. He was a leading light of the Occupy Wall Street movement in the early part of the last decade and wrote the 2018 book Bullshit Jobs, which argued that box-ticking employment is not only pointless, but actually psychologically damaging and a universal basic income is a much better idea.

Graeber also co-authored (with David Wengrow) The Dawn ...