Susan O'Keeffe: This week showed the absolute need for lobbying when it serves the public interest

The best lobbying is upfront, sometimes naïve, always passionate and rooted in an injustice, as opposed to the type performed by David Cameron in defence of 'his' bank

'The Ballymurphy families had their loved ones shot on the street and called out as terrorists. To be forced to fight for their good names and their innocence, against an embittered and emboldened establishment, was traumatic.' Photo: Laura Hutton/

There was something restrained and dignified about the way in which Geraldine McGrattan spoke about her uncle Hugh Mullan on national radio this week. Her emotion, mixed with a kind of calm, can only have come out of years of anguish, heartache and a determined desire to stand by her uncle and his reputation as a man of peace, not war. "He wasn't a gunman. He was a good man, going out to help another ...