
Battle of the banks: Do investors prefer AIB or Bank of Ireland?

With blockbuster profits and substantial capital returns, AIB and Bank of Ireland are attracting significant investor interest, but which one is winning the race for institutional capital?

Data from Morningstar, an investment research platform, shows there is €3.9 billion invested in Bank of Ireland through institutional funds and €2.8 billion invested in AIB.

Dial back ten years and the prospect of holding an Irish bank as part of an investment portfolio was “inconceivable”, according to fund managers. Times have changed, however, and institutional investors are now pouring €6.7 billion into Ireland’s two largest banks, AIB and Bank of Ireland.

While fund managers say there is little to distinguish between the two banks right now, ultimately, they do end up picking one side or the other.

Based on figures supplied to the Business Post, Bank of Ireland is winning overall, but current trading and analyst sentiment is more in AIB’s favour.